Thursday, January 8, 2009

A year of Tyto moments

Gulp! Tagged by Duncan as part of a chain meme to list 10 memorable nature moments in 2008, I've scrabbled through my tatty sweat-stained daily notebooks praying that in my absence they'd miraculously grown magical details of marvellous sights. They haven't!

What's worse, it turns out that my most stirring moments failed to present themselves as photo opportunities. And when they did, my camera skills were not often up to the task. That's got rid of the excuses-in-advance, time to knuckle down and get the 10 off the fingertips.

First must be the Tyto morning  a Common Tree Snake slides slowly over my shoulder and coils about my hat as I sit paused on my bicycle.  Blurred getaway.
Second, enraged female Pacific Black Duck stands tall, wings flailing and furiously fights off a Little Eagle after it targets her and two ducklings ... and same day, same post ...
Third, after years of failure, a Little Bittern hunting almost out in the open. Get pictures, grainy but graphic. 
Fourth, first Tyto sighting of a Red-capped Robin. Made memorable by my misidentifying it and joining later photo to a dummy spit.
Fifth, witness Black Kite learn new fishing trick, but fail to resnatch catch.
Sixth, find Lovely Fairy-wrens and nest after years of searching.
Seventh, play time with wallabies and wagtail.
Eighth, bit of nonsense with a snarky Carpet Python.
Ninth, see a small Agile Wallaby hurtle from nowhere to boot a large Amethystine Python's head. 
Tenth. At least 10 times in 2008 hear a sweet high song. No sight of bird. No idea of species. Good to have a challenge for 2009!  


  1. great Post of a great year.
    Well Done

  2. Well done, yourself Denis. Trust Robertson appreciates all your efforts.

  3. Good one Tony, some terrific moments there.

  4. Thanks Duncan. Exercise made me realise how rarely luck has it that our magic moments come together with great photos. Makes sharing the tales important, doesn't it?


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