Friday, January 9, 2009

Cannon Ball (Tree) run

Since first seeing a Cannon Ball Tree (Couroupita guanensis) a few years ago I've been unable to pass one by without taking a deep sniff of the heady scent and checking the flowers for insects on them.

So far as I know there's just the one rather stunted specimen of C. guanensis in Ingham. It stands somewhat forlornly with a lone poinsettia (in which the headstone-adorning Magpie Larks of an earlier post nested) at the entrance to the historic cemetery.

So, a wee tribute to the tree, including a totally overdone and luridly coloured picture in the style of movie posters and pulp science fiction magazine covers of the 50s and 60s. The unnamed insects are mere bit players! 


  1. Hi Tony.
    What an amazing flower?
    It looks like a cross between a sea-anemone and a flower.

  2. And the scent is headily magnificent. Oddly, though native bees seem to be drawn to the flowers, can't recall any honeybees buzzing around.

    APOLOGY re moderated comments: Seems there's a glitch in my template that deletes some comments as it declares them published. Anyone else had this problem? And can save me from the HTML complexity covered in Blogger help?

  3. A "fantastic" flower, in the true sense of the word!

  4. Hi Tony
    Your "comments" facility seems to work fine, as far as I can see. Nor can it be a problem with people who do not just use "blogger" - for Duncan is on another system, and it works for him, as well as for me.
    The only problem I am aware of is some people who tell me they "cannot post comments" - but I do not know why, for I do not bother with the funny jumbled letter recognition, just use the "comments moderation" facility.



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