Saturday, February 28, 2009

Four birds in flight

Bush Stone-Curlew looks down as it passes overhead in Tyto yesterday. The birds usually stand quietly for most of the day before walking off on their nocturnal feeding rounds. In common with many larger species, the birds normally go out of their way to avoid flying low over people, but I'd by chance been hard for the bird to see till it was right over me. And here are three other birds-in-flight from the not-so-sharp folder:

Little Pied Cormorant 

Nankeen Kestrel

Whistling Kite

And a sharper Welcome Swallow to finish with. 


  1. Hi Tony.
    The Stone Curlew is the "Money Shot".
    Well done.

  2. G'day Tony,
    What a wonderful 'different' image of a BSCurlew. Just great!

  3. Great photos of all the BIF - and I agree the one of the curlew is very special - but I really like the kestrel and the wing position you have caught.

  4. Hi Denis, Mick, Gouldiae: Thanks all. It's odd, almost all my BIFs come when I'm not specially looking for them.


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