Sunday, December 18, 2016

Meet the meanest, baddest honeyeater?

Talk about give a dog a bad name! What about give a bird a bad face. I mean baaad! Real bad. Nasty-tempered bad. Gang bad too!

Look at this face. Not fully matured and clearly already on the way to full gang patch. Once the last of that sissy yellow-green goes from above the eye, the blue terror will be at full glare.

Magpies can be mean when breeding. Even terrorise pets (not such a bad thing, I say). But they sound sublime. Not Blue-faced Honeyeaters. They sound like trouble: all 'woik' and 'oik', and 'watch-it-buddy' (attitude not onomatopoeia).

Used to have them swoop me from palms in Ingham, now they're among my noisiest neighbours in Rowes Bay. The Rowes Bay rowdies, you gotta love 'em. They're baaad, man.



  1. hah. I agree - glad someone else has trouble with them and not just me!

  2. I would have thought the Friarbirds would have topped this guy!

  3. Friars? Soft, churchy brothers. No bother at all!


Monitor with right-of-way not spotted right away

Who gives way on footbridge, Yellow-spotted Monitor or unspotted bird watcher? Naturally, dinkum locals have right-of-way. I step aside, Spo...