Friday, November 18, 2016

Leaden Flycatchers stick to site in the open

Stern talking to didn't stop Leaden Flycatcher building nest low on open branch in small paperbark almost on major Tyto track. But female, above, stopped flitting away when I began talking to it as I approached. Male - sharing sitting duties, mainly in early morning - not so keen on conversation. The birds - or other pairs - have used the same tree for more than six years, without previously building in such an exposed position.

Close by, caught Little Shrike-thrush with insect extracted from cracked bark of Cheese Tree. This and many other species has been busy building and breeding lately. The nests are always tucked carefully away in shadowy foliage, often in Cheese Trees,

Captured so-so images of Welcome Swallow on the wing the other day. But no results from efforts to catch White-breasted Woodswallows on the wing as they come and go near the Tyto hide, building a nest in a major vertical fork (as usual) of a large paperbark. Rubbing failure in - and evidence of the breeding rush - another pair of Woodswallows this morning darted here and there feeding a ravenous youngster.

Grimmer sign of hunger in the wetlands, found this Agile Wallaby feeding near entry track yesterday. Seemed almost unaware and unhampered by gaping surface wound, result of Dingo or dog attack. Bits of ear also missing. Dried wound looked infection-free, so animal appears a lucky survivor.

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