Monday, March 8, 2010

What's black and white and reared all over?

What's black and white and breeds all over Australia? Two right answers always prominent in Tyto.

First up, Willie Wagtail (Rhipidura leucophrys) takes a break from chasing prey out and about on water lilies. Not uncommon behaviour, but hard to capture up close.

Have also been stalking Magpie-larks (Grallina cyanoleuca), seeking flight pictures. But the few birds happy to have me tag along with them for a spell won't fly on demand.

At least the now sunny days bring out the gloss of nature's blacks and whites.


  1. Hi Tony,
    Lovely shots, but I have to set you straight! Neither of your 'blacks and whites' is reared in Tasmania, so not really reared "all over".
    John Tongue
    Ulverstone, Tas.

  2. I particularly like the Willie on the water lily but perhaps that's due to my affinity with the swamp!

  3. Hi John: You're right. I'll forgo any cruel refs to mainlands. Oops!

    Hi Barbara: Nicest when there's some blue about the place.

  4. Hi John: You're right. I'll forgo any cruel refs to mainlands. Oops!

    Hi Barbara: Nicest when there's some blue about the place.


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