Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Chastening chase ends the month

Chased after Rufous-throated Honeyeaters (Conopophila rufogularis) today in Tyto under yet more grey skies and passing showers, but above male represents an admission of defeat, dating from earlier in month.

Had even less luck in quest for Little Kingfisher (Ceyx pusilla), above, and by chance on same morning as honeyeater. Azure kingfishers, which were also much in evidence earlier in month, have likewise dropped out of sight in past two weeks.

Shining Flycatcher pair continue work on nest (seems rather laboured build), Comb-crested Jacanas continue sit in sight of lookout, Crimson Finches still busy nesting here and there, but in total things somewhat subdued. Here's hoping for April sunshine and typical jump of 10-20 species in monthly count over March's 97.


  1. Nice Honeyeater. Spent today in the mountains. Hardly heard any birds let alone photograph them.

  2. Not too many birds here either. Plus rain all through Easter.


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