Friday, June 18, 2010

Honeyeaters yellow and grey

Never many problems identifying Yellow Honeyeaters (Lichenostomus flavus). They're just so, well, very yellow, noisy and busy. And, as with quite a few honeyeters, grey-eyed.

They seldom sit still, and prefer to forage away from in open sunlight. Had hopes for above picture, on tulip tree, but image too soft.

White-gaped Honeyeaters (Lichenostomus unicolor) share eye colour and much else with Yellows: side by side in bird lists, on same branch in one field guide, share habitat in north Queensland. Above bird kept returning to old Shining Flycatcher nest and eating bits of lining.

Bovine bonus: Cattle Egret and adopted family watch me seeking Double-barred Finches yesterday (post upcoming).


  1. The Yellow Honeyeater is beautiful and against the red on the tulip tree is quite spectacular. Yes, you are definitely a perfectionist re your photos!!

  2. Tulip trees --- such pests, but so good for pics!

    Have really been enjoying the egret pics. I missed a great op the other day when about three dozen cattle egrets surrounded one poor dairy cow, waiting for it to move. The egrets looked expectant; cow looked intimidated.

  3. Really like the composure of the egret with the cows.

  4. Hi Mick: Perfection? Imagine me drooling like Homer Simpson at the very thought.

    Hi Snail: Tulips sure are hard to kill. And too many people love the pretty menace. Most cattle down my way seldom draw more than three or four. And the egrets are quick to fly at my approach.

    Thanks Andy. Was trying for more DOF so all stayed in focus. Not to be.


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