Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pardalote heralds the sunshine

Got first Striated Pardalote (Pardalotus striatus) in six years at northeast corner Tyto late in 2009. Today, first of species seen (or heard) in heart of the wetlands.

Visible near footbridge to lookout for about three seconds after much distant 'witchy-chew'. Twitchy bird landed briefly in corkwood. Switched to taller paperbark. Vanished east.

Sun today, following three miserable wet and grey days. Above, Green Pygmy-goose (Nettapus pulchellus) not so showy under lowering sky. Below, Australasian Darter (Anhinga novehollandiae) reflects a washed-out morning.

Updates: Comb-crested Jacana eggs OK. Ditto, eight juveniles. Shining Flycatchers still at (but rarely on) nest.

Of note: three immature Dollarbirds came and went; ditto small dark Brown Goshawk


  1. Had Striated pardalote two days in a row in the backyard this week but didn't manage to get a photo. Don't see them too often here.

  2. Hi Tony
    Interestingly, I never get Pardalotes at my place, as they are an obligate feeder on Eucalypt Sap-sucking Insects.
    I have npo Eucalypts int he Robbo Rainforest, so no Pardalotes.
    They are common down on the sandstone plateau below, which is Eucalypt heaven.
    Nice photos.

  3. Great updates on the eggs and juveniles. Tell the S Flycatchers to get on with the job! Love those Pardalotes.

  4. Hi all: not many eucalypts in Tyto either. Shinings do seem to have got down to it. I think ...


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