Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Noisy Miner gets 2019 off with a bang

Flying start to 2019 with first listing and pictures of Noisy Miner species in Cape Pallarenda Conservation Park.

Juvenile bird obligingly posed atop rusty steel pole.

Next day it did the proper thing and showed off in more natural surroundings.

Plenty of Red-tailed Black Cockatoos in the park, but can't get local statuary as background. Fluked this shot near Ross River Bush Gardens yesterday.

Mass takeoff also unintended shot. Birds feeding on ground were spooked by oncoming dog-walker. Arty blurring result of slow shutter speed set for low light beneath trees.

And must introduce the new boss of Payet Tower in the Townsville Common Conservation Park. Super-sized White-lipped Green Treefrog has taken over from possum sacked for always sleeping at her post.

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