Sunday, March 15, 2015

Falling back on other Wallaman outings

Hopped up Wallaman Falls road today on scent of Musky Rat-kangaroo (an atypically diurnal marsupial). Sniffed out a couple of animals, but no pictures. The birds wouldn't front the camera either. So, some from other outings:

Brown Gerygone (Gerygone mouki), usually notable active and noisy: quiet today.

Spectacled Monarch (Symposiarchus trivirgatus), immature: several heard in lawyer vine thickets.

Tooth-billed Catbird (Scenopoeetes dentirostris), gone quiet at display areas lately.

Large-billed Scrubwren (Sericornis magnirostra), active and chatty all over the place.

Wompoo Fruit-Dove (Ptilinopus magnificus), more cooing than wollack-a-wooing.

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Monitor with right-of-way not spotted right away

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