Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Juvenile Mynas drop in for the New Year

In with the new, two juvenile Common Myna (Sturnus tristis) both prematurely out of nest and picked up from driveway outside my caravan this week.

Yes, I know, the birds top many hate lists. But a bird's a bird.

And which species has brought about the rise of Mynas and other unloved creatures? Anyway, here's to getting a few things right for 2015, starting with .............? Your choice!

No New Year resolution from me, merely a reflection that sometimes beauty's in the bigger picture. Though it's a pity the Greenshanks didn't stay in pool above.

But every now and then a bird pops out of nowhere and completes the picture. 

Thus, Striated Heron (Butorides striata) at first unnoticed along a mangrove creek, later caught closer as it stalked beside the water. Happy New Year!

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