Monday, June 13, 2011

Looking into the background

Easy enough when chasing birds to see little else, even when it's occupying almost all the frame. So, Intermediate Egret (Ardea intermedia) in Tyto the other day took my attention, but background of ruffled, leaden water makes the picture.

And Grey Teal (Anas gracilis) - an uncommon visitor - looks almost twice as attractive accompanied by reflection and wake.

On the other hand, messy background doesn't do much for an Australian White Ibis (Threskiornis molucca), though it hints at problems photographers face in obtaining uncluttered images.
Click pix to enlarge 


  1. Composition --- so important!

    The background to the egret portrait looks like flock wallpaper. Well, a bit like it. You get the idea.

  2. Great description and excellent photos!

  3. Good examples of how important composition is for good photos Tony. I know the theory but putting it into practice - well, its all part of the challenge isn't it?

  4. Hi Bronwyn: Flock paper avianly apt, but no sure I'd want to wake to such gloomy walls.

    Hi Mick: Didn't intend post to be quite so didactic, but sometimes I can't stop myself.

    Hi Barbara: So many challenges, so little time; and much luck in the timing!


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