Saturday, August 21, 2010

Striped skink snake's snack

Red-bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) puts death bite on Eastern Striped Skink (Ctenotus robustus) near the Tyto lookout today. The 70cm snake didn't like my presence and slid into clump of sedge to swallow skink. Saw some of the action, but view much obscured. All over in about five minutes.    


  1. Wonderful action photo, Tony, although I still don't like snakes!

  2. Thanks Mick: I won't suggest they'll grow on you, yet they have on me over the years.

  3. Beautiful clear detail of the kill and you've caught that lovely sheen on the scales. Your photography is a great inspiration!

  4. Excellent photo as usual Tony. (And could I just add that I very much enjoy your headers.)

  5. Hi Barbara, Boobook: I just wish the good pictures came along as readily as the headings. But, then, I've been playing with words for much of my life.

  6. Hi Tony
    Great action shot with the snake. But they never stay around like that, as a snake with a full mouth is totally defenceless, and they get very nervous at that stage.

  7. Hi Denis: I know that sounds logical. But my experience is that snakes will sometimes put the meal ahead of caution and allow a closer approach than would be normally tolerated.


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