Monday, August 23, 2010

Birds on wire, and slyer higher flier

Species catching the eye lately along my favourite country road include Tree Martin (Petrochelidon nigricans): this bird one of about 100 flocking between unsealed road surface and barbed wire the other morning. 

No flocks for Tawny Grassbird (Megalurus timoriensis). Not usually seen on barbed wire: too busy in grass and low bushes sharing scolding calls with partner. Species always sounds disgruntled. 

And Golden-headed Cisticola (Cisticola exilis) - sharing exactly the same habitat and conditions - usually sounds absolutely content. Interpreting bird sounds via human emotional responses is for the birds.

Finally, one for the birds in a strictly predatory sense, Australian Hobby (Falco longipennis). Smallest I've seen and presumably a male, bird seemed barely close to the 30cm of usual 30-35cm size range. But more than enough to scare most other birds in the area.
Click pix to enlarge 


  1. You always seem to come up with some very nice birds along that country road. I saw a Hobby out west but was just too slow with the camera :-(

  2. Oh, yes. That grassbird does look quite peeved!

    Excellent shots as always.

  3. I like the theme, and some very nice images too.

  4. G'day Tony,
    Oh to get a Hobby and a Cisticola to pose so!
    Lovely stuff.

  5. Hi Mick: Luckyily, it is quite a long road.

    Think they're only happy when sounding peeved, Bronwen.

    Thanks Mark.

    Hi Gouldiae: Hobby was surprisingly willing to sit, though only on a high point.


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