Friday, May 7, 2010

Osprey caps magic morning

Great morning dotted with birdwatching magic. So, connect the dots.

Eastern Osprey (Pandion cristatus) caps things. Bird's distant plunge and capture of large fish marks another in run of six-year firsts.

Thought for a moment it was heading to devour catch on 'Osprey Tree' (and nest) erected for nesting by the species. But that was asking too much.

Spotted Osprey entering water from 250 metres off, after Collared Sparrowhawk sped overhead and flashed out across lagoon. Lost it but gained picture of a fish that didn't get away.

Had Azure Kingfisher to thank. Splashes into water beneath low wooden footbridge crossing outlet from main lagoon to creek led to hopeful wait close by. Directly beneath what proved to be Sparrowhawk's line of ambush for unwary birds.

Only knew of Azure's presence because Little Kingfisher darted away with high-pitched calls from large creek pool crossed by concrete footbridge leading to lookout.

Heard the Little because of spell watching Metallic Starlings, Figbirds, Helmeted Friarbirds and White-bellied Cuckoo-Shrikes chasing insects and fruit in Corkwoods and other trees by the pool.

Less visible, but much noisier, Brown Honeyeaters sang of their delight of a second morning full of sunshine. Also seen and heard, Yellow, White-gaped and Macleay's Honeyeaters, White-throated and Fairy Gerygones, Leaden Flycatchers, White-browed Robins, Varied Trillers and Rufous Whistlers.

Plus the Willie Wagtails, Northern Fantails, Forest Kingfishers, Crimson and Red-browed Finches, and Red-backed Fairy-wrens.

All within 50 metres of the lookout and footbridges. but wait, there's more.

Two Eastern Great Egrets (one above) squabbling over sole possession of the entire main lagoon.

And a long-distance confirmation of happy days in Jacanaville:

Mr four-legged Comb-crested Jacana. Here's the male of many recent posts with wing securely folded over youngster yesterday.

Similar sightings today. Seems other three eggs really were lost. Better news with one of the other Jacana families. Four thriving juveniles seen out and about today.

Shining Flycatchers (still on x eggs).

Dots all, folks!


  1. The photo of the Jacana carrying the baby under its wing is fantastic! Magical indeed!

  2. Great post Tony. I can feel my enthusiasm rising.

  3. Hi Tony
    I second Mick's comments re the toes dangling from under the wing.
    My favourite image is the Osprey with very large fish. Love the way they align the fish for carrying so that it is "aerodynamically efficient". Much better for the bird to grab the fish across the spine (which they more or less do). But I have seen images of Bald Eagles carrying their prey home in just the same manner. - in line with the way the bird is flying.
    Also calling, by the looks of it.
    Top posting.

  4. An exciting read beautifully illustrated with your photos - what a wonderful morning.

  5. That's the magic of birding!! Congrats on having such a great day!!

  6. Gidday all. Thanks for enjoying my little bit of magic.


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