Sunday, July 5, 2009

Rare appearance by Pallid Cuckoo

Nothing rare about a juvenile Red-browed Finch, except this one's willingness to sit on a branch a few seconds longer than its siblings.

Also sitting things out, a slighty tattered butterfly, which I keep forgetting to ID. Another job for manana . . .


  1. That's a great photo of the cuckoo - a bird I have yet to see.

  2. Hi Tony
    Well they leave the South - for somewhere. Perhaps they just don't like the wetness of Tyto.
    Like the baby Red-brow.
    Your Butterfly is on the way out, and has lost most of the bits one would use to identify it, unfortunately. Basically it looks like an Orchard Swallowtail Butterfly, only creamy coloured.

  3. The butterfly is a challenge Tony! We've just been having a good look through all our butterfly books and we're fairly confident it is a Chequered Swallowtail, (Papilio demoleus). Thanks to a little soft cover book by Peter Valentine with photos by Cliff and Dawn Frith.

    Lovely juvenile Finch!

  4. Thanks all. Didn't think butterfly a problem, but it is one I've not seen often. Oddly, it seemed more yellow dotted when flying than at rest.

    PS: All efforts to retrieve deleted pix came to naught. I suspect it will be a greater challenge as memory cards get every larger. Only found only genuine freeware: Recuva.


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