Monday, January 16, 2023

Female Dingo unsure about photo session

Female Dingo unsure she's looking her best for morning photo session on Townsville Town Common Conservation Park salt flat behind Pallarenda township the other morning. Eventually she trotted off to join more wary male mate. Welcome sight for me, perhaps less so for the many dogs and owners in Pallarenda. Howling from husky (the voice, not the breed) male should have triggered responses from domestic dogs yet in this case did not. As usual I couldn't resist the vocal challenge but was out-yowled decisively. Fewer Dingos being seen in the park these days after park rangers hazed cheekier animals away to more distant sections of the park for their own welfare. One or two were losing all fear of people, which can lead to danger for park visitors and for the Dingos.   

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