Thursday, August 5, 2021

April 1 ominous date for fool's watch at Osprey nest

April 1 possibly not best date to start watching ill-fated Osprey pair start third breeding attempt inside 15 months on nests either side of road into Townsville Town Common Conservation Park.

But seems birds decided at the weekend enough was definitely enough at about 30 days over the usual 90-95. No more toing and froing with fish and new nest sticks. No young Ospreys. Again. 

Again, as in early last year. About 60 days of female on same nest. Male dutifully bringing fish. Then, unexplained overnight abandoning of nest. Soon after, new hope. Birds returned to former nest. Breeding cycle began again. And was abandoned about 120 days later.

Ill-fated? There's more. Third (original) nest and nest tree lost in 2018 blaze. One, rather than previously regular two fledglings, followed after another nest was built nearby. The nest has since collapsed.

So, today. Some Woodswallows above the latest nest. Egrets and Ibises in pool below. And a Muscovy Duck - dumped in the park, probably on Sunday or Monday. 

No sign of Ospreys. 


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