Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Good news, good sense put sparkle into the day

Just the thing to brighten our Covid-19 days. Sparkly treasure from the not so sparkly Common Crow butterfly.

Down in the mouth? Cheer up. Good news is burrowing frog got to live another day when tree snake lost grip of things.

Woe is the Bush Stone-curlew's lot? Course not. Sun's shining and that's a happy look. Unhappy stare can curl the toes and turn the unwary to stone.

Are you washing your hands and staying socially distanced? White-bellied Sea-Eagle knows what's good for it.

As does Intermediate Egret. Wouldn't come within 10 metres, let alone two, in the Common this morning.

Don't be a goose. Play it safe, is the way to go. 'Coz we've got a long way to go yet.

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