Friday, January 17, 2020

Brown Goshawk springs from the shadows

Taken more than three years to capture Brown Goshawk up close in Townsville, but action in Cape Pallarenda Conservation Park yesterday made up for that. First spied bird on ground in dark shadows. Flew to acacia, in dark shadow. Vanished into, yep, more shadow. Follow. Nothing. Circle back. More nothing. Movement ahead. Suddenly, bird on open branch in bright light! Better yet, flying toward me ...

To another open branch, close above. Great. But ... always a but. There's something clinging to the bird's mandibles. Good luck scoring bird; bad luck finding messy eater.

Unlike Sulphur-crested Cockatoos. At times messy mischief-makers, they show more delicacy when intent on feeding. Bird above one of 38 chomping on weeds and seeds sprung up beside the Ross River since the banks were flooded and heavily silted last year.

Chance to stand among them and grab a few flight shots.

Not at all interested in daytime flights, Tawny Frogmouth family, just downriver in the Bush Gardens.  All four bit more restless than usual.

Unlike solitary member of species in Cape Pallarenda. Hiding in full view. The birds have notch in eyelid that allows them to look out without seeming able to.

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