Monday, November 24, 2014

Black-faced Woodswallows amid the browned-off

Dry season starting to bite all over Australia with much of Queensland in drought and even greener coastal parts like Ingham turning brown, markedly on grazing properties.

Young Black-faced Woodswallows (Artamus cinereus) right at home on Orient Station post surrounded by seas of parched grass.

Through the Orient and alongside tidal inlet, Grey-tailed Tattler (Tringa brevipes) similarly reflects the colours of the countryside. Not so plain-Jane grey when seen up close. 

Over the fast-dropping waters of a small earth dam, Gull-billed Tern (Gelochelidon nilotica) prepares for drink on the wing (but you'll have to settle for the approach because I couldn't get flying drinker in focus). 

And this was as close to the target as I got today with efforts to catch Whiskered Tern (Chlidonias hybrida) fishing. Picture me browned off!  

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