Monday, September 16, 2013

There are Square-tailed Kites . . . and Queer-taled Skites

There are Square-tailed Kites (Lophoictinia isura) . . . 

Like this bird, in Tyto today, first listing at the site for the species.

. . . and there are Queer-taled Skites. No pictures of the wide-ranging species, often - too often - met at birding haunts. But, be warned, QTSs, I'm getting grumpy. Spare me, too, the Wally Wig-tales.

So, goodbye gullible turn, hello Gull-billed Tern (Gelochelidon niloticaso). 

1 comment:

  1. Nice photo of the Gullible Tern, Tony.
    Others good to see, as they ar pretty thin on the ground (in the air?)


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