Monday, December 31, 2012

Trust me, it's not always this easy

What's great about this Great Crested Tern (Thalasseus bergii) is the trust allowed.

Walked in close and enjoyed a long chat, at Dungeness.

Also trusting, White-bellied Sea-Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster) sits tight, near Orient 

Even more trusting than usual, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Calidris acuminata), near Ingham.

Trust me, Comb-crested Jacana (Irediparra gallinacea) usually more wary; on Tyto lagoon.

Trusting for even better in 2013, Happy New Year!


  1. They must all know what time of year it is.

    Happy new year, Tony!

  2. Yes, a happy new year to you Tony.

  3. So much trust in northern Qld.
    A cyclone might blow that trust away.
    But Good New Year wishes to you Tony, and your avian friends.
    Denis Wilson


Monitor with right-of-way not spotted right away

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