Friday, March 30, 2012

Male Riflebird finally in shot

Mature male Victoria's Riflebird (Ptiloris victoriae) - species described as moderately or fairly common in tropical Queensland rainforest above about 500m - showed up briefly (clutching a fig) near Wallaman Falls yesterday: hope my next eight years bring more than one bad picture!

Meanwhile, most Metallic Starlings (Aplornis metallica) have departed north after breeding. Their clustered nests are falling in ruin from rain trees throughout the area. Plenty of this species in the years ahead.
Click pix to enlarge  


  1. Hi Tony
    I imagine its dark colours add to the difficulty of getting a shot.
    My local Satin Bowerbirds are very difficult to "shoot" well - for reasons I still do not understand fully.
    Intrigued it carried the Fig. The only birds I know who carry their food here are Cockatoos (and Birds of Prey).

  2. Hi Denis: I too rather surprised. My split-second first impression as bird flew to perch as in photo was of something in mouth and thus transferred to foot. But I can't be sure other than bird was definitely clutching the fig and flew off with it. And I have no idea where the fig tree is! Frustrating.

    Thanks Russell.

  3. Enjoyed these, thanks Tony & agree with Denis' comments about photographing dark birds especially in the canopy above.
    Riflebird an iconic bird and just to see is an experience (is my understanding) and the Metallic starling image is striking.

  4. Thanks Pete. Getting fill flash and exposure right is part of black bird issue. My Riflebird was always too far off for any decent image anyway.


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