Tuesday, September 28, 2021

My name is AussieManDeus, King of All Things


                  My name is AussieManDeus, King of all Things;
                  Look upon my Works, Universes out there, and Despair!


Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Assailant stork seals rat's hash

Sorry about terrible pictures, but not as sorry about things depicted as unwary Water Rat. Caught attention of male Black-necked Stork in Town Common Conservation Park this morning.

Stork failed with first strike. Returned to para grass at edge of pool a few minutes later. Rat hadn't learned lesson. Strike two too fast. Stork swiftly carried rat off to back, shallower, part of pool.

Rapid series of plunge, drop rat, strike, plunge, stab, plunge, stab, stab put paid to rat, drowned or battered to death.

One final grab, first gulp and rat gone. Stork's partner, close by in pool, ignored it all. 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Osprey gobbles Tilapia gobbet

Large red gobbet of Tilapia for male Osprey today in dead tree near recently vacated nest beside road into Town Common, Townsville. Partner vanished swiftly at my approach in long grass and tangles of fallen trees. And no sign of juvenile, only 10 days or so since it was perched above one of the pools from which today's Tilapia almost certainly came. 

Also in the area, Little Pied Cormorant, on fallen tree in fast-evaporating pool. Bird allowed uncommonly close approach - walk and talk has its merits.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Lesser Black Whipsnake lightning fast at breakfast

Lesser Black Whipsnake lightning fast at breakfast in Town Common, Townsville, this morning.

Look away, skink lovers. Seems first strike at prey hidden in recent grader scrapings catches skink's tail. After second strike snake reverses with writhing skink grasped firmly around middle. 

Three speedy grip changes and twitching skink is being swallowed head-first.

Gone in less than 90 seconds after second strike. One of Australia's fastest moving snakes no slouch at swallowing moving feast. 


Monitor with right-of-way not spotted right away

Who gives way on footbridge, Yellow-spotted Monitor or unspotted bird watcher? Naturally, dinkum locals have right-of-way. I step aside, Spo...