Monday, May 24, 2021

Eagle eyes and stork stalk finds birds but not nests

Bit of a slog through chest-high grass hiding many fallen trees along former sand road running north-south from near Jacana hide in Town Common Cons. Pk, Townsville, today hunting for possible White-bellied Sea-Eagle nest. Found one bird.

Think now birds are maybe using tree only as night-roost and day-perch. The pair have had two nests in dead tree close to cycle/walk track collapse in past three years.

Better photographic result today from ongoing effort to find nest of Black-necked Storks somewhere close to samphire flats at northeast of the Common, behind Pallarenda suburbia. Got lucky enough to just fit bird into full frame shot. But of the nest? No luck whatsoever.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Brown Goshawk drops in for brekkie banter

Gidday. Just flying up this track and thought I'd drop in and have a dekko for bit of brekkie. Scared? Why'd I be scared of you, standing over there like a daggy, baggy old scarecrow?

Yes, of course I'm a Brown Goshawk. See my glowering brow? See my rounded tail? See my strong legs? Yeah, I know about that stroppy young Collared Sparrowhawk. Little upstart causing confusion. He'd just better stay out of my way, that's all I'll say.

Hey, there's something moving up the track a bit. Looks right up my alley. See you later . . . 

Rare, up-close meeting with Brown Goshawk in Town Common Conservation Park, Townsville, Saturday morning.

Monitor with right-of-way not spotted right away

Who gives way on footbridge, Yellow-spotted Monitor or unspotted bird watcher? Naturally, dinkum locals have right-of-way. I step aside, Spo...