Saturday, August 25, 2018

Osprey flutters to deceive

Looks so powerful, balanced and in control, Osprey, wings outspread, about to land on prime perch, yes?

But no, young (about 18 months) bird - formally Eastern Osprey (Pandion cristatus) - is clumsily flapping a metre off perch down to fork in dead tree.

Then comes scrambling progress up other branch of fork.

Followed by triumphant return to starting point. Why? Who knows. Such questions may really be only for the birds.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Grey Whistler so-and-so allows so-so not just-so

New bird today - old problem. The previously unlisted (on eBird) Grey Whistler won't sit still for a picture worthy of its noteworthy arrival.

So two so-so images must do until, hopefully, another sighting that catches the bird 'just so'.

Also added to my list of first sightings - and image regrets - for the Townsville Common, Owlet Nightjar, sitting high in its eucalyptus hollow near Pallarenda this week.

And, last of poor pictures accompanying rich sightings, Black-throated Finches near Old Flinders Highway at Oak Valley yesterday. Interestingly, the species often described as 'endangered' or 'vulnerable' carries no such labels on one recent list of Australia's threatened birds. 

Monday, August 13, 2018

Goshdarnit-aint-that-somethin purty

Cutesy doesn't always cut it. But sometimes ... Zebra Finch male will never know just what a goshdarnit-aint-that-somethin' pose he struck out Woodstock way.

And she's pretty purty, too.

So too, though less chocboxy, male Mistletoebird, caught in seldom-seen foray close to the ground avidly gobbling small lime-green dodder berries in Cape Pallarenda Park.

Red-backed Fairywren adds his black magic to the beauty parade

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Great Egret pays little mind to missing bill

Eastern Great Egret reveals missing chunk of upper bill as it lands on dead tree at edge of pool.

Hasn't weakened the bird, which vigorously chased off fellow Great trying to muscle in on the para grass providing meagre numbers of grasshoppers and frogs.

Background colour behind the boss bird in Town Common an unplanned bonus.

Monitor with right-of-way not spotted right away

Who gives way on footbridge, Yellow-spotted Monitor or unspotted bird watcher? Naturally, dinkum locals have right-of-way. I step aside, Spo...