Sunday, December 5, 2010

Am I my Baza's keeper?

Here's the quandary. Friday morning, juvenile Pacific Baza (Aviceda subcristata) 25 metres below the nest, behind the Tyto info centre. Nest tree one of several towering paperbarks on small island connected by metal footbridges in landscaped lagoon precinct surrounded by Ingham suburbia and football ground. No way to get bird up into the trees. What to do? Interfere only as last resort. Back off. Let nature do its job. Return twice later in day and first find bird on concrete pillar in lagoon and then in small tree beside lagoon. 

Early Saturday morning no sight or sound of Bazas, but late in morning and here's junior in bigger trouble. Bird's travelled 200 metres west from nest island, and become grounded in long grass in an area swarming with green ants. What to do? Nature can be too cruel. Toss plastic parka over bird. Pick all the (now getting angry) ants off. 

No sign of parent birds, so put junior up into the small tree from evening before. Today, juvenile Baza calls coming from deep within trees in flooded section of the wetlands. It's up to the parents now.    
Click pix to enlarge


  1. Good on you, Tony. Hope the parents manage to catch up with their wandering offspring.

  2. Sometimes you have to intervene - I like what you did! Hope you young one survives and thrives.

  3. Hi Tony, in the second picture, does the Baza have a nicitating membrane or has it's eyeball rolled in some strange way?

    The first and third pictures are fabulous by the way.


  4. G'day Tony,
    Great story. Hope it survives - keep us posted.
    Seasonal felicitations,

  5. Gidday all: Distant glimpse of parent Baza today. No sound of juveniles. Hope all's well. Yep, Martin, handy having membrane protection for eye.

  6. Nice images Tony. Just wondering if maybe taking this bird to a WIRES carer might have increased the odds somewhat in the bird surviving?

  7. Hi Mark: Not a believer in much intervention. And often not easy finding carers.

  8. Looks like it hurts.
    Bravo on helping this bird.

  9. Hi Tony
    You did well.
    WIRES intervention not appropriate, for it would have involved removing the chick from its parents.
    There is also the "live and let die" aspect of Nature. Not all chicks can survive.

  10. What a beautiful bird - I'm glad you helped.

  11. Beautiful shots of the Pacific Baza Tony! I think you did exactly the right thing. The bird was unharmed and you returned it to the place found. It is up to the parents now.


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