Monday, March 22, 2010

Right little upright mannikin

Standing up for oneself widely admired, but not so desirable for bird picture - as evidenced by this Chestnut-breasted Mannikin (Lonchura castaneothorax) in Tyto today. An upright avian citizen indeed. More generally, immature flocks of mannikins are starting to gather. Soon there'll be groups of 40-50 young birds foraging amid the seeding grasses.

In past years Rainbow Bee-eaters (Merops ornatus) also have gathered in large flocks. But not in the wetlands recently. Have almost given up hope of decent aerial shots.

Even more limited exercise of capturing birds with intact tail-shafts showing clearly has proved trickier than expected. Who said practice makes perfect?

Shining Flycatchers persisting with nest today. Noticed male's only role is to chase Wille Wagtails away. Appears to do nothing toward building.


Snail said...

That mannikin looks as though it was defying you to take a photo. You wait until the gang's together!

Tyto Tony said...

The oldies seldom get around in gangs big enough to scare me. (This is a first: almost live comment within my alloted hour at Ingham library!)

Mark Young said...

Very nice images of the Bee-eaters. Are they resident all year round?

mick said...

The Mannikin is a little beauty. There are so many birds I still have to see.

Mosura said...

That's a smart looking Mannikin - certainly no dummy ;-)

Tyto Tony said...

Hi Mark: They'll mostly head off north when it gets colder. A few stick around, but closer to the coast.

Hi Mick: So many to see, so little time.

Hi Mosura: A model of rectitude!

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