Sunday, July 12, 2009

Grey Goshawk out of hiding

What's big and grey and lives in the trees? Well, one answer would be Dumbo. But around Tyto at the moment one right answer is Grey Goshawk (Accipiter novaehollandiae). Plenty of sightings, mainly at a distance and viewing rapidly departing rear end. But yesterday brought a change of fortune. Bird rose from creek growth and perched on relatively open branches. Didn't take long for the honeyeaters and Willie Wagtails to chase the threat away. Similar story today, without any chance, however, of pictures.

Here's another big and grey bird up a tree. But White-faced Heron (Egretta novaehollandiae) prefers prowling along the water's edge. Standing about part-hidden in paperbarks - with tongue hanging out - lasts little longer than it takes for me to walk from the scene. In general, all herons are shyer than egrets. I have no idea why this should be so.


  1. Spectacular pic of the grey goshawk, Tony. Check out those feet!

  2. Yes, the Grey Groshawk is spectacular!

  3. Sturdy feet tell killer tale. Came on Grey last year on freshly killed Blue-winged Kookaburra, bigger and tougher prey than one would expect.

  4. Stunning goshawk, Well done!!

  5. Thanks TonyC and Mark. Still hoping to get lucky, and much closer!


Cormorant shuffles off mortal coil in python's coils

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