Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Look sharp at Sharpies but beware wild goose chase

Look sharp! Look, Sharpies! Sharp-tailed Sandpipers that is. But wait, look sharpish! What am I looking for? Uncommon Pectoral Sandpiper. Sharp cutoff in breast streaking. Touch of yellow at base of bill. Look hard. Nothing. And thus fail to notice uncommon Curlew Sandpiper right under my nose. Broad white rump, black downcurved bill. There for all to see. Or all those not on narrow focus wild goose chase. See how you go.

Elsewhere lately, finally caught up with a Latham's Snipe a month or two after the first migratory arrivals from the Northern Hemisphere.

It was mixing with a few Sharpies, which are always more obliging when it comes to hanging about for bird photographers. If only Pectorals were as obliging . . .

Look sharp at Sharpies but beware wild goose chase

Look sharp! Look, Sharpies! Sharp-tailed Sandpipers that is. But wait, look sharpish! What am I looking for? Uncommon Pectoral Sandpiper. Sh...